Rear End Collision Near Stow, Pa. Causes Injury to Five
Corry. Pa,. Oct. 21.—A rear-end collision took place on the Chautauqua Traction Company’s line near Stow last night and five people were injured. They are W. R. Webber, motorman, Edward F. Stone of Buffalo, Mrs. Jessie Diamond of Jamestown, J. F. Hughes of Pittsburg, Fred S. Selstrom, conductor.
A car had stopped to let off a passenger when a baggage car just behind crashed into it. There were fifteen passengers on the car and all were tumbled about in the wreckage. The injured were removed to a hospital In Jamestown. Hughes was badly cut by window glass.

Source: Utica [NY] Herald Dispatch, 21 October 1905, p. 2,