Chautauqua Traction
Chautauqua Traction Line Was Active Means Of Transportation In Early 1900’s
An article from a railroad historian about the Chautauqua Traction company and railroading around Westfield and Mayville, NY. He uses a lot of acronyms, including “C. T.” – Chautauqua Traction Company, “J. W.” – the Jamestown, Westfield and Northwestern Railroad, and “B. & L. E.” – the Buffalo and Lake Erie traction company. WESTFIELD –…
Ashville-Mayville Trolley Line Closed
Is authorized by Public Service Commission to Abandon 13-mile stretch. The Chautauqua Traction company was authorized Friday by the public service commission to abandon a thirteen-mile stretch of its route between Ashville and Mayville. Commissioner Pooley, who wrote the opinion, points out that while the route is a public convenience, it has sustained substantial losses…
New Lights for Lake
Decorative Standards to Be Placed in Front of New Pennsylvania Station. Decorative lighting standards will be placed on Water street in front of the new Pennsylvania station and the group of hotels at the lake, according to a decision of the village board at the regular meeting last Monday evening. Four or five light units…
Sub-Station Burns
The sub-station of the Chautauqua Traction Company at Stow was destroyed by fire Friday afternoon. A high tension wire rubbing against the roof of the structure started the blaze, which resulted in a loss of about $40,000. Traffic on the trolley lines between Jamestown and Westfield was seriously impaired by the fire. Source: The Fredonia…
Mayville Main Section May Lose Car Service
MAYVILLE , Dec 10 – George E. Maltby, general manager of the J. W. & N. W. and Chautauqua Traction lines, has been in Mayville during the last few days and held conferences with officials of the Pennsylvania Railroad. In connection with the hearing before the Public Service commission, A. N. Broadhead, president of the…
New Signal System
Chautauqua Traction Company, Jamestown, N. Y.-The Julian-Beggs Signal Company, Terre Haute, Ind. , has received a contract to install signal and speed control appliances on the lines of the Chautauqua Traction Company and the Jamestown, Westfield & Northwestern Railroad. It is estimated that the cost of the installation on the two roads will be about…
Accident Near Sportsman’s Club
A serious accident in which three people were injured occurred on the Chautauqua traction line last Thursday afternoon. Two heavy traction cars collided head on in the vicinity of the Sportsman’s Club between Victoria and Stow with the result that one of the cars was badly damaged and three persons injured. The injured were: Fred…
Settlement Not In Sight
A May 1913 article about the strike against the Chautauqua Traction company and Jamestown Street Railway company. This is too long of an article for me to retype and the scan is poor enough that the OCR software doesn’t do a good job so I won’t include the text of the article. Sorry! Source: Buffalo…
Fire Destroys Power House at Jamestown, N. Y.
FORCES PLANTS TO CLOSE Fire Destroys Power House at Jamestown, N. Y. Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 12.—Exploding coal gas in the power plant of the Jamestown Street Railway company and the Jamestown Lighting and Power company set the building afire and caused damage estimated at $25,000. Traffic on the local street railway and the Chautauqua…
New Timetable Effective
Source: Westfield [NY] Republican, 23 September 1908, p. 4, NYS Historic Newspapers.