Ashville, NY

  • Ashville-Mayville Trolley Line Closed

    Is authorized by Public Service Commission to Abandon 13-mile stretch. The Chautauqua Traction company was authorized Friday by the public service commission to abandon a thirteen-mile stretch of its route between Ashville and Mayville. Commissioner Pooley, who wrote the opinion, points out that while the route is a public convenience, it has sustained substantial losses…

  • New Timetable Effective

    Source: Westfield [NY] Republican, 23 September 1908, p. 4, NYS Historic Newspapers.

  • New Stations on Chautauqua Traction

    The Chautauqua Traction Company is planning to build two new trolley stations this fall. They will be of brick and work on them will be commenced this week. One will be at Ashville and the other will be at Cheney’s Point. Room will be made in them for the string of baggage as well as…

  • Erie and New York City Railroad

    A November 1853 article about construction of the Erie and New York City Railroad near Ashville, a town west of Jamestown, NY. Source: Rochester [NY] Daily American, 5 November 1853, p. 2, NYS Historic Newspapers.

  • Erie and New York City Railroad Deed Service

    In April 1852 Mr. M. Norton offered to register deeds giving property to the Erie and New York City Railroad free of charge. Source: Jamestown [NY] Journal, 20 August 1852, p. 3, NYS Historic Newspapers.