New Signal System

Chautauqua Traction Company, Jamestown, N. Y.-The Julian-Beggs Signal Company, Terre Haute, Ind. , has received a contract to install signal and speed control appliances on the lines of the Chautauqua Traction Company and the Jamestown, Westfield & Northwestern Railroad. It is estimated that the cost of the installation on the two roads will be about $250,000 .

Source: Electric Railway Journal, 3 February 1917. Google Books.

Julian Beggs Signal Company, Terre Haute, Ind., has closed a contract with the Chautauqua Traction Company to equip that company’s line between Lowe Avenue at Lakewood and Westfield, an approximate distance of 25 miles, with the Julian Beggs cab signal and train control system. It is expected that the system will be in operation some time during the coming summer. Under the auspices of the Beggs Company, officials of the Chautauqua Traction Company were in attendance at a test made of the train control system at Cincinnati on March 12. The system is installed on 20 miles of the Queen & Crescent Railroad between Erlanger and Christy, Ky. , and consists of twenty blocks . The demonstration train consisted of a locomotive equipped with cab signals and three passenger cars .

Source: Electric Railway Journal, 31 March 1917. Google Books.