Erie News

Below are a selection of small news items related to the Erie Railroad that appeared in the April 11, 1890 issue of the Cattaraugus Republican newspaper in Salamanca, NY.

The new Erie bridge at Batavia will be 190 feet long, the longest single span bridge on the road.

The net earnings of the Erie railroad for the month of February were $2,686,053.97, an increase of $184,017.05 over the corresponding month of the proceeding year

The line of postal cars running over the Erie will in the future be known as the "New York, Hornellsville and Buffalo Railway Postoffice," instead of "New York and Dunkirk R.P.O." as heretofore.

The Erie is equipping its switch engines with pumps for fire service and it is said that one half of the switching engines will be made moving fire engines. The pumps will take water from the locomotive tanks and will be able to throw a stream 80 feet. A number are already in use.

The Meadville Tribune says that the Nypano summer schedule, booked to go into effect April 6, will be unavoidably postponed and probably will not be established before the 20th. The delay is occasioned by difficulties met in effecting satisfactory connections with other lines.

Source: Cattaraugus Republican. Salamanca, NY. April 11, 1890.