Lakewood, NY

Lakewood, NY is a village along the west side of Chautauqua Lake. It was a station on the Erie Railroad (originally the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad). Lakewood was also served by the Jamestown Street Railway and its sister company Chautauqua Traction.

A 1904 map showing the route of the Erie Railroad, in green, running west from Jamestown through the villages of Celoron, Lakewood, and Ashville, NY. The Jamestown, Chautauqua and Lake Erie Railroad, in blue, is shown running along the north side of Chautauqua Lake. Author’s illustration from a 1904 topographic map.

The Erie route“, an 1887 guidebook describes Lakewood as:

Lakewood, formerly Lake View, is the Chautauqua Lake station of the N. Y. P. and O . (formerly Atlantic and Great Western) Railroad. Quite a little settlement has sprung up here, owing to the influx of summer visitors. There are two excellent hotels here. The Kent House has four floors, with wide piazzas around each, and it fronts 500 feet on the lake with a dining-room 175 feet long. The Lake View House is admirably situated in a natural grove. It has wide verandas with charming views. This house contains a large assembly-room, with a glass front toward the lake, where promenading and dancing are in order. Both hotels have all the modern conveniences, and the prices are very reasonable.