1900 Inspection Report of the Silver Lake Railway

The 1900 report of the New York State Railroad Commissioners included the following inspection of the Silver Lake Railway


(Inspected August 22, 1900.)

The Silver Lake Railway extends from Silver Springs, on the line of the Erie Railroad and the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway, to Perry, a distance of 6.86 miles. The road is single track and standard gauge. One-fourth of a mile of the track is laid with 71 , and the balance with 60- pound steel rail . The rail is connected by angle plates 26 inches in length, with 4 bolts. The ties-about two- thirds oak and balance cedar-are 7 x 9 inches, 8 feet in length, and 2,816 are laid to a mile of track. The cuts and embankments are of fair width and slopes. The roadway is fairly well ditched . No sub- drainage is in use, or apparently needed . The ties are in very fair condition , evenly spaced and full spiked . The rail is in fair condition for the requirements . The angle plates are in good condition and full bolted, with all the bolts tight. The joints are well up and the line and surface very good. Curves are in good line and properly elevated for the speed of the trains. The maximum curve is 12 degrees. The grades are light-not to exceed 25 feet per mile. The switches are all stub and the frogs rigid. All switches have well painted targets. Switch lamps are not used, there being no night trains run. None of the frogs or guard rails are protected by foot-guards. The track is ballasted with gravel and cinders in fair quality.

No steam or electric railroads are crossed at grade.

There are no bridges in the main line, and the only openings are three small culverts with wooden stringers, which are in good condition. A small pony truss iron bridge over a highway in track leading to a coal trestle at Perry is too light and should be replaced by a stronger bridge, or the use of the track discontinued.

The fences are of wire and boards, and need repairs. The right of way is cleared, brush and weeds are cut and the roadway is free from rubbish or refuse materials .

The highway crossings are well graded and the planking is in good condition. There are no cattle guards. The crossing signs are of triangular form, well painted, and the letters 9 inches in length.

The track force consists of a foreman and four laborers. Perry is the only station at which an agent is employed. A new and very complete passenger and freight station combined has been erected since the last inspection . The agent can check baggage to all points to which he sells tickets. The waiting rooms are properly furnished with drinking water, and timetables and tariff sheets are posted.

The equipment consists of two small locomotives, 2 coaches, 1 combination car, 20 box cars and 700 coal cars. All are equipped with automatic couplers and, with the exception of about 600 of the coal cars, with air brakes. The coaches are in good condition, with drinking water in each. Emergency tools are located in the center of the cars . The cars are equipped for steam heating, but stoves are used. They are lighted by oil lamps. Passenger trainmen are uniformed and wear a badge. The box cars have ladders on the ends and grab- irons on the sides , well secured . The running boards on the tops of the cars appear to be well maintained .

About 4,500 cross ties have been renewed since last inspection, May, 1898 ; one-fourth of a mile of 71- pound steel rail has been laid, replacing worn 60- pound rail, and a new combined passenger and freight station erected at Perry.


That the stub switches be replaced with split switches ; that the frogs and guard rails be fitted with foot- guards ; that the fences be put in proper repair, and cattle guards placed at the boundary of all highways crossed.

A copy of this report was sent to the company, with a letter, making the recommendations of the inspector the recommendations of this Board. A letter was received from the company, stating, ” We have part of the material on hand to make improvements suggested by the Railroad Commissioners and your recommendations will be complied with just as rapidly as it is possible for us to do so.”